When I first heard I had breast cancer, I immediately vowed to fight the fight of my life, to make cancer a word, not a sentence. I have a fairly strong personality, but I'm not real clear on what kind of "fighter" I am. I tend to be hot headed, but hot headedness burns out. I'm in this for my life, literally and figuratively. I can't afford to burn out any time soon.
And then, when I was thinking of what music to put on my itouch to take with me to chemo, I remembered one of my favorite pieces from childhood, the poem "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann, after which I have named this blog...the chronicle of my life with breast cancer.
Hi Dawn,
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow during your first class...
My highschool yearbook used Desiderata as a theme and I've never forgotten it. It's a great name for a blog with your focus, Dawn.
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