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Thursday, February 25, 2010


Think of all the places you have hair. It's not sursing I'm mostly bald. My leg hair is mostly gone. My eyebrows are thin. My eyelashes are starting to fall out. My arm hair is mostly gone.

But this morning, I blew my nose, and ewww.....

Who would have thought?


Amy Scott said...

Not me... I would not have thought.

Ryan is on his way toward having matching eyelashes (or the lack)... Evan showed him how to blow them and make a wish, and he can't seem to get enough.

dawn h-s said...

..."not surprising" is what I meant to write....Louis' laptop doesn't like me.

dawn h-s said...

I had a student a few years ago who would pull out his eyebrows and eat class....which has nothing to do with anything at all, but with my "unattached hair issues," I still shudder at the memory.

suzee said...

OK, your student is SOOOOOO gross. The nose hairs is nuthin'.

Amy Scott said...

ohh, that is really gross. Now I have to make clear that I was exaggerating, and Ryan only did that about twice. I told him it didn't work if they were pulled out, and he asked if it could work with toenails instead.

dawn h-s said...

To clarify....said student had other issues as well. But eyebrow eating was at the top of the list. Amy, Rynan is a hoot. It's rare that I "miss" the days of littles, but Ryan stories can almost make that happen.